Formed in 2012, the Integrity Unit (IU) is an independent work group that reports to the Chief Operating Officer, the Senate Risk Committee and the Vice-Chancellor’s Risk and Compliance Committee. Our responsibilities are defined by a Terms of Reference (PDF, 202KB) which have been approved by the 22-member Senate and we work closely with other organisational units including Human Resources, Internal Audit and Governance and Risk Management.
Discover UQ's Integrity Framework
Developed by the IU, the Integrity Framework promotes an actionable process of thinking about integrity and how it is embedded across UQ. The Integrity Framework illustrates UQ’s strategic approach to incorporating our values, leadership and accountability, referencing applicable legislation, policy and procedures.
Our responsibilities are broad but we principally assess, investigate and manage complaints or matters raised about the conduct of staff. This may include complaints of behaviour that qualifies as ‘Corrupt Conduct’ and or a ‘Public Interest Disclosure (i.e. ‘whistle-blowing’). These matters may include:
- Sexual misconduct (the University has a Sexual Misconduct Policy)
- Fraud, corruption and/or misappropriation
- Assaults committed by staff
- Failure to declare a conflict of interest
- Serious breaches of policy and procedures
The above examples are indicative only as there may be occasions when senior executive members (e.g. the Vice Chancellor, Provost or Chief Operating Officer) may call upon the IU to investigate or report on other types of matters.
We also have a preventive role to minimise the incidence of misconduct at the University and we achieve this through the maintenance of an ethical framework and our committed efforts to develop working environments across the University that promote ethical awareness, decision-making and behaviour.
Each of our staff members possess sufficient knowledge, skill and experience to provide authoritative advice and assistance to employees of the University (and their organisational units) on a range of matters including proper complaints management, ethical decision-making (including advice on conflict of interests issues) and the identification and prevention of misconduct.
Generally, the investigations that the IU undertake are confined to behaviours that have occurred on University land or sites or where there is a connection between the behaviour and employment at the University. While we prepare reports to help appointed decision makers form a conclusion in relation to complaints that we have assessed or investigated, we do not make any decisions as to whether any further action needs to be taken (e.g. discipline proceedings).
While there may be some exceptions we do not normally investigate student grievances or student integrity and misconduct matters, unless the complaint relates to ‘sexual misconduct’. Grievances between staff members, including complaints of bullying and harassment are generally handled by Human Resources and issues related to occupational health and safety are generally handled by the Health, Safety and Wellness Division.
Further information about student grievances or student integrity and misconduct matters can be found by contacting the Student Complaints and Grievance Resolution team.
More information about the resolution of staff grievances can be found here.
More information about the resolution of health and safety complaints can be found here.