As a public sector agency the University has obligations under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (Qld) (the PID Act). This legislation is designed to encourage and provide protection to those who speak out about wrongdoing in the public sector. The Queensland Ombudsman is the oversight agency for the PID Act and the University falls within the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction.
It is the responsibility of the Integrity Unit to ensure that the University’s legislative obligations under the PID Act are met. This involves maintaining the University’s Public Interest Disclosure Policy and the related procedures for the management of such matters.
It is important to understand that only certain types of public interest information can be considered as a PID. How, where and what is disclosed determines whether it is legally protected under the PID Act. For example, whether the discloser receives immunity for making the disclosure or whether confidentiality requirements apply.
It is an offence under the PID Act for any person to take reprisal (e.g. bullying and harassment) against a person who they believe has made, or intends to make, a PID. Where possible the University will take action to protect a discloser from reprisal such as maintaining their anonymity (unless it is necessary to reveal their identity in the interest of natural justice).
Click here to view a video from the Ombudsman which outlines rights and responsibilities under the PID Act.
You can view the precise legal definition for what constitutes a PID (PDF, 147KB).