Workplace, Academic and Research Integrity Resources

1. Workplace Integrity Resources

Workplace Integrity 

Workplace Integrity is about have strong principles and values which you demonstrate through your conduct in the workplace. Integrity in the workplace promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity and ensures all employees feel valued and heard.

Workplace Integrity Scenarios - what would you do? 

How to show respect in the workplace:
  1. Model appropriate behaviour

  2. Take responsibility for your actions.

  3. Listen to what everyone has to say.  

  4. Encourage a speak up culture.

  5. Be transparent.

  6. Recognise the strengths and accomplishments of others.  

  7. Value the time and workloads of others.

  8. Practice common courtesy and politeness

Other Resources:

2025 Integrity Framework

Staff Guide - Inappropriate Behaviour at UQ

Staff Code of Conduct Policy